Επιστημονικά Συνέδρια 19/2/2010

"3rd European Chemistry Congress"

3rd European Chemistry Congress
Nόrnberg, Germany, August 29 - September 2, 2010

Resources and Environment

The 3rd European Chemistry Congress (3ECC)  will be held in the Convention Centre of Nόrnberg from August 29 to September 2. It will be organised by the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, GDCh) and the German Water Chemistry Society, under the auspices of EuCheMS (European Association of Chemical and Molecular
Sciences) and the EuCheMS Division of Chemistry and the Environment. The aim of this Congress is to bring together scientists from academia, private and governmental institutes to deal with integrated approaches in all the aspects of chemistry. More than 3000 participants are expected.  The scientific program of the 3rd EuCheMS Chemistry Congress will consist of seven main Symposia each subdivided into various thematically focused Symposia.
As analytical, environmental or energy scientists you will be particularly interested in the general topic «Resources and Environment» that will run for 4 days and will be organized in the Symposia:
- Environmental Analytical Sciences
- Environmental Chemistry
- Water and Food for an Increasing Population
- Energy Research
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